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New York Power Plants and Reliability Planning

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Planning for reliable power system reliability depends on understanding peak demand. Peak demand will determine the power system capacity required to meet reliability requirements. While peak demand is expected a slight decline each year, it is still important for system planning. Peak demand is expected decrease by 0.14% each year by 2028.


ICAP offers utilities pricing signals that encourage investments and promote resource adequacy. ICAP power plants are purchased by utilities in New York to meet peak load requirements. They also have to meet excess wholesale tariff regulations, which are approved and approved by federal regulators. ICAP is used to create mandatory capacity markets, such as ISO New England (PJM Interconnection). It is also used by Texas and other states.


IRM is an essential element of reliability rules for the New York power grid. It determines how many supply resources are available to meet peak demand. This is based on the most current load models. It also considers energy storage technologies and demand response. These enable the lights to remain on during an outage.

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Distributed energy resources (DERs) provide power quality value by varying production and consumption. This can reduce energy losses and prevent voltage excursions on distribution feeders. DERs can also provide additional power plant capacity when there is fluctuating demand.

Generator deactivation assessment

In order to lower ozone levels, the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), has implemented stricter regulations for simple-cycle combustion turbine plant owners. The new rules will be enforced by the NYISO for owners of power plants. 648 MW of peak peak power generation capacity in New York are being phased out. 1300 MW is being retrofitted. New York's electricity plants also have higher temperatures than other areas of the nation. These plants can be deactivated, which can result in higher-than normal demand.

DER participation model

NYISO's DER Participation Model is designed to ensure that DERs have access to a transmission point that can respond to dispatch commands. This requirement is needed to protect New York's reliability. The DERs must meet specific criteria that meet the standards of the New York state Reliability Committee. These requirements include inverter energy storage technology and aggregation abilities.

Generating power

The state has increased the capacity of its generators in recent years. Particular attention was given to the upstate. This is partly due the state's electricity being produced in less populated areas. Also, because of gridlock during peak demand, power lines that carry it downstate can also become clogged. In recent years, the state has added 11,846 MW of new generation, a substantial portion of which has come from renewables.

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Renewable energy credits

New York State has announced plans expand its Renewable Energy Credits(RECs) program in order to boost renewable energy generation. This will assist New York in reaching its 2030 goal to have 70 percent renewable energy, as well as the 2040 Zero Emission Target. It also will promote the use of existing renewable energy sources while improving local air quality and protecting local environments.


New York Power Plants and Reliability Planning